Do you trust yourself?

Trusting our inner wisdom and internal source of abundance is something that many of us have forgotten how to do.

It is the most important gift we were born with. It gives us access to everything that we will ever need. It gives us freedom, personal fulfillment, abundance, and love.

It is our best friend,
the most expansive universe,
our most prized possession,
the most beautiful landscape,
and our most delicious dessert.


Instead, most of were programmed by our parents, caregivers and culture, that we must “obtain” or “know” something in order to bring us that freedom, abundance, love and compassion.

In addition to that, most of us experienced a disruption to our natural joyous state as children. Our nervous systems were jarred at one point (or many) and we developed coping strategies that have caused us to armor and protect ourselves. As a result, we started making ourselves smaller. We learned to close down. We started hiding aspects of authenticity. We stopped speaking our truth. We decided we couldn't trust.

Then we compensated by becoming smart, successful, money and accomplishment focused, hardworking, buying the things, focusing too much on everyone else. We learned that feeling anxious, sad, confused, and lost was normal. All this pain created an inner world that no longer felt free. So we started turning to the outside world hoping it would fix this feeling.

Our motivation became, “Well, if I just buy the bigger house, get the fancier car, have nice things, eat all organic, go find a new partner, figure out how to FIX something or improve something, then I’ll be okay.”

Or we do the opposite, we dissociate, numb, check out, binge watch shows, look to drugs, alcohol, and even the spirit realm as our source of our escape.

Then we do therapy. We consult psychics and healers in an attempt to “fix ourselves” and become dependent on their wisdom vs our own. We go on diets, we read all the books, we spend thousands of dollars seeing chiropractors to fix our backs.… tirelessly looking for the solution, for the magic that will finally take our pain away and free us from our “disease.”

Yet, nothing outside of us will ever take away the pain nor lead us to inner freedom.

Freedom doesn’t come from outside of you. It is actually already in you. And until you connect with and nurture the freedom on the inside, you will not be able to create freedom in your outside world. You’ll continue to feel trapped and stuck.

Until you cultivate the feeling of riches and abundance inside of you, you will struggle to create wealth and prosperity on the outside. You will constantly create situations where you don’t have enough even if you have A LOT.

If you don’t love yourself fully, you will keep looking to others to love you more and it will never fill that void inside you.

You can continue to learn, accomplish, and know more by busying the mind and feeling more self-important, only to then come back to still not feeling like you ARE NEVER EVER ENOUGH.

Everything will become much easier when you can finally trust your inner knowing and allow YOUR OWN SWEET ESSENCE TO FILL YOU UP AND GUIDE YOU.

That all starts with your breath.

When you begin to slow your breath and bring your awareness within, you regulate your nervous system. This then quiets the mind, creates safety, and reconnects you to your inner knowing.

For most of us, we have to re-train our nervous systems in order to connect with this deeper wisdom and wellspring of abundance. It is not a quick fix. There is no pill.

Mediation alone is not the answer, either. It is a piece of the puzzle, but not the full solution.

When it comes to regulating our nervous systems, it is an integration. It is slow. Baby steps of slowly moving deeper into aspects of our being.

Most of us move in an out of anxiety, fear, anger, shame, guilt whether we are conscious of it or not...but the clue is always in how you feel. The body always speaks the truth.

a small white tea cup next to a woman meditating by a lake; reads "Which would you rather be?"

Think of it this way. Most of us are like little tea cups. We can only hold a little bit of your natural light and abundance. This is why we don’t feel free and radiantly joyous and expanded. Because we are just a tiny tea cup. We can’t hold that much. Plus, our tea cup is filled with all those other negative feelings so it limits how much of the GOOD FEELINGS we can hold.

However, when you learn to regulate your nervous system and expand your level of safety within your body, you become like a giant reservoir…you can actually allow more water to come in and then flow out. There is so much available to you. You are plentiful and you can hold so much more… which means you can then RECEIVE AND OFFER SO MUCH MORE.

This is why I coach clients for at least 6 months. It is a journey of integration and embodiment. It is a process of how to expand your cup so that you can hold and BE more.

It all starts with breathing and regulating your nervous system. When you can finally regulate yourself, you will tap more and more into what’s inside of you and experience a rich, beautiful satisfaction that nothing outside of you will ever be able to match. This also allows for amazing creativity and gifts to come flowing out of you. This is your path to freedom…

In closing, I invite you back into your breath as your guide. Then from here, begin to listen. Your guidance system is gentle and soft. It is always there, just waiting to give to you. As you learn to calm and regulate your nervous system, you will open up the door to the most delicious and sweet inner freedom, joy, and abundance that you could ever imagine.

You have the power to create whatever you choose in your life. It all starts with the breath and feeling safe in the body.

Jessica Sheaffer is a compassionate, intuitive life coach in Austin, TX with over 20 years of experience. Her mission is to help women release what no longer serves them, align with their divine purpose, and start living a life they LOVE!
Click here to learn more about her services.


How to stop struggling and GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER